Today I want to talk about weather and chemtrails.
Chemtrails ("friendly" and shortly for chemical trails) are those strange long whitish lines that we can see at times in the sky. "Oh! you mean the airplane's condensation trails!".
No, I don't!
Condensation trails are something and chemical trails are something else. Even if to a superficial glance they might seem the same thing, they are not: condensation trails can only happen above a certain altitude (26,000 to 30,000 feet) and remain visible for a short time; chemtrails instead happen much lower, just above or at the same level with the clouds, and remain in the sky for much longer, sometimes for hours.
Always, when I talk about chemtrails, I'm met by a wall of skepticism. And I don't understand why - people, generally speaking, believe in almost anything: aliens, fairies, lost continents, you name it, they even believe in what politicians say, but for some reason they seem completely unable to accept the existence of the chemtrails. Even more puzzling, considering that, contrary to aliens, fairies etc. chemtrails can be seen, have been photographed, there is quite some literature about them, and it is enough to google them to see that they are not just matter for conspiracy theorists.
When finally I am through explaining the difference between contrails and chemtrails, I'm generally dismissed with: "Why somebody should go through the trouble of spraying the sky with chemicals?". That marks the end of the debate - I'm clearly a lunatic and everybody tries to restore "sanity" in the conversation.
Up to a point I can't blame the agnostics. In spite of many investigations throughout the world, the efforts of hundreds of researchers, the countless enquiries in various European parliaments, still nobody really knows the reason of the phenomenon. The best we achieved so far is that these strange trails are the result of top secret military operations and that is it. But are they? I'm not even sure about that.
What is known for sure is that chemtrails appear almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere, except China. Although in the southern hemisphere the spraying of chemicals happens to a much lesser degree, South Africa is subjected to it.
We also know for sure that the spray operations are carried out by either cargo or ex-passenger jet airplanes modified for the task, which are generally painted grey and completely anonymous, ie. they don't display identification marks, colours etc.
For many reasons it is quite a difficult task to analyze the chemical content of the chemtrails. From soil samples taken in areas where an intense activity has taken place, is possible to establish abnormal quantities of Calcium, Potassium, Arsenic and others, but mainly Barium and Aluminum, both metals having the property to absorb humidity from the atmosphere. This aspect of the phenomenon is quite visible as you can see from some pictures - areas of condensation form around the trails and converge towards them. It really looks like the trail is sucking humidity from the air (clicking on the picture should enlarge it - should because nothing IS in the computers' world)
What all this has to do with Barrydale? A lot I'm afraid.
It is almost three years that I observe the phenomenon in our skies. The extent of it is not so mind-blogging like in other parts of the world (see pictures), but nevertheless is perfectly visible. In certain days one can see quite a few chemtrails hanging over the mountains, moving from East to West and vice-versa. Then for a week or two nothing happens - a further demostration that chemtrails have nothing to do with normal commercial flights. These spraying activities have been varying considerably in length of time and extent, but have increased substantially in 2008.
After an intense spraying activity, the weather tends to change. The temperatures rise sharply, winds increase and the air becomes extremely dry. Luminosity also increases and looking in the distance one can perceive an unnatural bluish haze that has nothing to do with dust particles in the air or smoke from fires.
In almost 100% of the cases, a couple of days later it rains in the Cape and eventually also inland, but chances of rain in Barrydale remain scarce.
Both the heat-waves we had in the past recent months happened shortly after the sighting of chemtrails. The latest took place a day or two after the third and fourth of November, during which period we had the most intense spraying activity so far. Immediately after that, we had storms and heavy rains in the Cape followed by floods here and all over the western Cape - if we want to talk in terms of coincidence, a quite remarkable one.
After that, the only time I could spot some chemtrails has been the 18th of November, again followed by heat, wind and rain in the Cape.
As you know, ducks are quite opinionated creatures. Nevertheless the topic at issue is so controversial, so debated worldwide, that I don't feel like adding my opinions to the many already circulating (some of them admittedly quite wild).
I want to point out only one thing: areas of very high pressures tend to attract low pressures into neighbouring areas, low pressures that would otherwise skip those areas. Having the capacity of creating high pressures (the technology already exists) I can probably configure, up to a point, the weather pattern of a region.
Mind you, this is only the opinion of a duck. Think what you like, if you like.
1 comment:
Clouds behave exactly the same way. Sometimes it's cloudy, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes they dissolve quickly, sometimes they last for days.
Now, let's reverse the problem. You say that contrails only "remain visible for a short time". Contrails ARE clouds, you agree with this. So, why would clouds often last much longer than contrails?
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